Monday, 13 May 2013

The Time Has Come...

I have previously mentioned that my GCSE's are looming and that I will be spending more time away from my blog over the next two months... Well if you are reading this at the time of posting, you may be wondering why I am writing at such an unusual time of day (for me anyway). 

This is because I am currently sat revising having had the morning off because in precisely one hour I will be sitting my first GCSE. As my blog is about fashion and beauty, I have never spoken about what these exams are, and if you live outside of the UK they are probably taken at a different age and called something else.

Yesterday was my birthday...16! So your GCSE's are taken when your 15/16 in the summer of Year 11. They are exams that you have to do well in and reach certain grades in order to go to college and study what you want. Basically, no GCSE's, no college, no college, no university and so on. To make it sound even more scary, the rest of your life can depend on these next two months.

Many schools around the UK have already left to go on study leave, meaning you don't go into school for a normal school day and are allowed to say at home and revise. My school however, chooses not to allow its year 11 pupils to go on study leave until the 24th May. The reason why I'm going in late today is that your allowed the day or morning off if you have an exam.

There are some GCSE's that are compulsory such as Maths, English and at least one science, pupils can then choose others that they want to do. As I go to a private school, there are more compulsory exams that you must take - for me these include; Maths, English Language, English Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and French. I then chose to take History, Physical Education and Textiles.

This afternoon I will be sitting in a French Listening and French Reading exam, along with the rest of the people in the UK who are taking French GCSE with the same exam board.

I'm not going to bore you with the ins and outs of GCSE's, but I personally (and many others too) regard them as very important in allowing me to go to college and then go to university to study what I want and then be able to get a job when I have finished studying.

I haven't blogged for a while because I have been busy revising and so I honestly feel bad. However, I have so many ideas for my blog, including the last few posts of the Prom Series.

Tomorrow I have my PE exam but on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I have none and so I hope to be able to blog during these days and the other days where I don't have exams.

I am someone who puts lots of pressure on them-self to do well and succeed but make other people happy and proud of me. Therefore, I feel like I am letting my readers down if I don't blog, but let myself down if I don't revise - you see my dilemma? 

Obviously, once my exams finish on June 18th, I will have a really long summer where I have loads of holidays planned and lots of nice things to do which I will be able to blog about!

I hope that during the next few weeks, I will be able to do some blogging to calm and relax in-between doing revision, but I thought I would let you all know what I am doing and why blogging won't be as frequent.

Anyway, I have just looked at the time and its 30mins until I need to be at school! So I hope that you all understand my reasons for being away but I will try my hardest to blog when I can! Maybe I will even do some exam tips posts?

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