About Me

My name is Jessie and I am a fifteen year old fashion and beauty blogger.

I am currently studying for my GCSE's this summer. I am then going on to college to study Textiles among other subjects and I then hope to attend university.

I hope that together we can grow and I can create something people enjoy reading and looking at. I love hearing from my readers and so please feel free to comment on posts, follow me on Twitter, flow my blog and read!

Head over to the Contact Me page to find out how to contact me!


  1. Hi Jessie I just found your blog and it's really interesting! similar to mine actually hehe:') Wanna check mine out too?:) http://annacabanaa.blogspot.co.uk/ we can be blog frieeeends hahahaha!

    1. Hi Anna, I've just looked at your blog - its really good! I would love to be blog friends aha email me at jessica_mcvicar@btconnect.com
