Saturday, 15 June 2013

Prom Series: Final Stages

I feel incredibly bad for not having blogged in weeks! I have been so busy (having had five GCSE's this week) and so I haven't had a great opportunity to blog. Add to the fact that I have had technical issues with internet being down, photos not being edited etc, blogging something worthwhile and good hasn't been an option.

Anyway, with prom looming (I'm counting down the days) I thought I would share some final tips. Throughout this prom series, I have hoped that you can apply the majority of what I have said to other big events, weddings etc. Today's post is all about time management and organisation preparation!

I have been making mental lists of all the things that I need to do before my prom and it got the stage when I have thought so many things I needed to write them all down. After doing this, I realised that not everything had to be done at the same time/on the same day and some things would be last minute/finishing touches. With all of this to think about I have now written a timetable for myself...

So the basic timetable shows the days before my prom (I don't want to say exactly when it is but its about a week away). So the days I listed and then by each day I have a list of everything that should be done or before that day.

Things in my 'Prom To Do List' include exfoliating properly before my spray tan, washing my hair, waxing/shaving, re-dying hair and washing it and so on. From the initial list, I have worked out what needs to be done when and was able to place the 'things to do' under the correct day heading.

On the day of prom itself, I will be quite busy what with having my hair done at my salon, doing my own makeup, getting dressed etc. Because I am a bit of a control freak and constantly make lists, I decided to make a more in depth timetable of the prom date itself.

This in depth timetable suggest what time I should go to sleep the night before to make sure I'm not tired, what time I should wake up so I have enough time and extra (this probably sounds crazy to some people but it makes sense to me!) Then its more general whilst still being in depth. It details what time I am having my hair done, how long it should take, how long it takes to get to the salon and back (allowing for traffic too), what I need to take with me to the salon etc. It goes on to list what time I should start my makeup to allow it enough time to 'set', what time I should get dressed and what time I need to leave to go to the prom.

All of this probably sounds crazy and a bit 'bridezilla' however, it gives me an idea of what I should be doing and the time it takes to do everything. After prom, I will let you know how I got on with this probably will go out the window!

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